F Is For Foodie

A foodophile's blog dedicated to a life of dining out, eating in, cooking up a storm and making sweet sweet love. Now that I have your attention, can we talk food? The names have been changed to protect the innocent and the hungry.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

D is for Doughnut

Friday was E-Go's last day in the office for awhile. She is off on maternity leave and while I will miss her terribly, I am so excited for her!

In our morning meeting, Apropos brought in two boxes of doughnuts from the Doughnut Plant on the Lower East Side to celebrate. Shockingly, I've always had the willpower to pass on a doughnut; but I have heard and read so much about these doughnuts that I just had to have a taste!

Talk about living up to the hype! Apropos brought six varieties and I chose a quarter of the plain vanilla glazed and a nutty-glazed one. The plain glazed was sweet and the doughnut was light and airy which was surprising given how monstrous in size it was! I was expecting a more dense doughnut but I was pleasantly mistaken. The other nutty version had a tunnel of fresh sweet jelly on the inside. Wow!

It is nice when a place "lives up to the hype" and I was highly recommend any doughnut fiends to pass by your local Krispy Kreme and check out the Doughnut Plant instead!

As I was overcome by my sugar coma approximately half and hour later, I couldn't help but think of how much my Grandmother would have loved these doughnuts. My Grandma would wake up at the crack of dawn and walk to the local grocery store to get her daily box of doughnuts despite having severely impaired vision. Nothing was keeping her from getting her doughnut on! And I can certainly relate to that! Perhaps it's genetic?



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